Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm having an Ohio day!

First I get the mail today and see that my dad has sent me pictures of the trees and their beautiful colored leaves. Orange trees next to red trees next to yellow trees.
Then I am looking through the Country Living magazines that a friend gave to me and see an article about Shaker Woods/Christmas in the Woods...craft festivals (in the actual woods!) that I used to go to every year. They had the cutest country crafts and the yummiest dips/cheesecake mixes for sale.
I think we are going to plan a trip back next fall so we can do the fall activities we used to do. The Fall Whore needs her fall!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I miss mental health days!

When I was teaching I would take a sick day, but it was really a mental health day. When the kids were really getting on my nerves and I needed a break I would take a day and just sleep in, watch TV all day, maybe nap and just be lazy all day. It was so refreshing.
I miss being alone all day in my house. There are so many things I need to do but can't get done b/c 1) I have a shadow who follows me around all day and 2) when I put the shadow to bed I am wiped out from the day and just want to watch mindless TV and if I can get on the laptop, blog. (I say if I can get on the laptop b/c the laptop was supposed to be for me...I sold a ton of Cole's baby stuff to pay for it...but Dan is always on it watching Pittsburgh sports and news and reading about Pittsburgh sports.)
To try and soothe my busy mind I have been putting on the "soundscapes" music channel on TV. It is relaxing and spa-like.
I know in a few years that Cole will be in kindergarten and I will be alone all day, five days a week and that will give me plenty of time to do all the stuff I want to, so I try not to stress about my list of things to do too much.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I would be calling in "sick" tomorrow and sleeping in!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rock Bottom

Well, I hit a new low. I was getting ready to go out to dinner recently and the jeans I wanted to wear were soooooooooo tight that there was NO WAY that I could drive, sit through a meal or breathe. I unzipped them and realized they stayed up just fine. I thought about doing the rubber band thingie to fasten my jeans but that still probably would have been too tight. (sad, I know) Then I had the great idea to just fold the top of the jeans in and into my underwear. I put on a long sweater and I don't think anyone could tell.

I refuse to buy bigger jeans b/c that just gives me the green light to eat more and get a bigger size next month. No, I will suffer with belly aches and the sight of muffin top like fat spilling over the top of my jeans for now. I have started exercising and toning. My arms, legs and butt are toning up but it's my BIG GUT that is the problem. I have been on the treadmill for the past two days, but then today as I was walking down the steps I had terrible pain in my calf (is that spelled the baby animal?) Damn old age again! So I took the day off of the treadmill, but I did some crunches tonight.

I just looked up calf...and yep, it's right. It just looks weird doesn't it?

Anywho, the point is I'm fat and I'm working on it. I need to for my happiness and health. I have high cholesterol. And I have jeans a size (or two) too small.

A friend of mine said "You're going to diet now? It's fall! What about all the fall treats?!?!!" Well, I AM going to partake in the fall yummies. And Halloween candy. And Christmas cookies. I just have to try to control myself. And keep up the exercising.

I'll keep you posted as to when I can wear the "Rock Bottom Jeans" like a normal person!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

False alarm...

...on the Proactive. The only difference I've noticed is... now my towels look like I splashed bleach on them. (something in the solution is strong enough to stain my towels...but not clear up my face. Nice.) Soooo, any suggestions on what to use on my face? I am still breaking out!