Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Two Firsts

I experienced 2 firsts today...
1. I voted in MS for the first time.

2. I rode on a 4wheeler for the first time. I figured, I live in MS, why not?


Amber said...

The next thing we know Amy will be mudden and wearing cammo. "Redneck girl has the name on the back of her belt..."

Amber said...

Redneck girl is a country song about just that, a redneck girl. Redneck girl has the name on the back of her belt. She's got a kiss on her lips for her man and no one else.

I wanted a belt with my name on it when I was younger. Just like my daddy!

Regina said...

OMG! I'm not sure which is scarier, your vote or you driving a 4 wheeler! See, isn't MS fun?!?!?