Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekly Question

How many states have you lived in?

I have lived in: 3. (Pennsylvania, Ohio and Mississippi)


Regina said...

Four...Mississippi, Arkansas, Virginia and Tennessee. Loved the Virginia weather the most, thought Arkansas was beautiful but family brought me back to good ol' Mississippi/Tennessee. One can always travel, right?!?!?

Lori said...

Six...Grew up in WV, moved to NY during my 9th grade year, then back to WV. After I graduated from college, I stayed in WV a couple years before moving to NC--LOVED it there. Then got married and moved to KY (first Louisville, then Ashland), then moved to OH (first Dayton, then Columbus), and finally TN.

Planet Bananas said...

Three states: Mississippi (grew up there), Arkansas, & Virginia & 2 countries: Guinea (West Africa) & China, our current residence.