Monday, May 4, 2009

My Heart Breaks, I Get A Slap In The Face, & Then Some Redemption

The inlaws arrived yesterday. They were in the house for a minute before my mother in law makes a comment about Cole's outfit. I told her he dressed himself. She's looking funny at his shirt and then pulls the top out from his neck to reveal the tag in front. She says to him in a condescending tone "see this tag, it goes in the back." Hi Nana, love you too!

Later we are upstairs playing and Cole is hugging Dan's mom. I said Cole is so sweet. She says "where did he get that from?" HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went out to dinner and my boy orders peaches instead of fries! Woo hoo! (my mother in law once said maybe he wouldn't get sick so often if he ate more, no, he just had ginormous adenoids!)

Well, two days down. Five to go.


Regina said...

Guess I that answers the question, "How's the visit going?!?!?" Yikes! Do you need an emergency exit plan? If so, just give me the sign and I'll be on my way!

Nicole said...

Bless your heart!! ;-)

Hoping it goes quickly for you!

Angie said...

That Sandy Beblo! UGH! Some things never change. I'm heading to Butler tomorrow. I'll egg her house if you want ;-)

Anonymous said...

You can do it, just get through the next few days. The kids and I could always meet you for lunch somewhere with her, we could be your buffer for a while. -Tammy

Amber said...

Would you like me to come over and make snide passive aggressive comments on your behalf? Or I could show up drunk and throw rocks at your house saying "Dan, the children miss you, when are you coming home!"

Sophie-and-Bryce said...

I just gotta show you some love, girl... Hang in there!!!!

Lori said...

Wow Amy...just read your blog tonight! I hope the week got better for you. If nothing else, you'll have some good stories to share. They leave tomorrow, right?? Hang in there!