Thursday, January 7, 2010


Over the holidays my friend Regina had a brunch for the ladies in our playgroup. It was so much fun to get together in the middle of the day without kids and just catch up and eat and drink 'till we had to unbutton our pants. Although I am grateful for my wonderful friends here, I still miss all of you who are far away from me. I know I haven't kept in touch hardly at all. I am bad at calling and emailing. Just know I love you and miss you even though you don't hear from me. I am Cole's playmate all day and then when it's night I just want to veg out. Even when he is playing by himself he is constantly asking me questions, showing me stuff, and saying "mum". When Cole is at school I just want to stare at the walls in silence until I have to go get him. And when he is home and I get on the phone he is a terror! I was on the phone today (with my friend Jen who had news about another friend Angie...she just had a baby girl! Congrats and welcome to little Marin!) and he went in his playroom and DUMPED OUT all the bins of cars and legos and games...HUGE MESS!!!!! So, when people bug me about Facebook and texting...this is why I can't participate now. Maybe when Cole is in kindergarten I will come around. For now I remain in the fog. Dan even commented that I checked out for the past few months. We got a sitter and went out one day and went to a movie and dinner. Before dinner I went to Hobby Lobby and Dan went into another store. When he came in to get me I showed him some things that I thought would look good in the house. Over dinner he said it was good to see me looking for decorating I used to before the boy. I just have to make it 'till August! Then I will be sad he is gone all day, but it will hopefully give me my sanity back. My hair is so thin and gray now! And I'm fat. The boy. I am blaming it all on the boy! :)
Anyway, the reason I started typing tonight was to post this picture from the brunch. Oh, we had a dirty Santa gift exchange and I got the best gift of all...slippers!


Amber said...

Amy, I didn't understand about "checking out" until Sarah came along. I know somewhat how you are feeling. It's almost like I don't have enough for anyone else but those kids. It's hardest this time of year when Chris is gone alot and the kids don't go to school because of snow or sicknesses.

Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I get it. I'm not totally sure how to combat it, but I'm trying with going to the gym, leaving them with Chris when he's home and trying to connect with others. The brunch was a huge relief!

I hope to see you soon. AJ

Chelle said...

Girl, I can totally relate. My three have me hopping all the time. I feel like I'm a horrible mom when it's time for them to go back to school. I love them deeply and dearly but it is nice having a break. It will be hard to let Cole go to Kindergarten but, inside, you will find some relief.

Amber is right. Find something to do, like to go the gym and put him in the childcare. It helps me with Andrew. After my workout, I feel like a better mom able to handle things a lot better than before. Let me know if you want a work out partner. I love going to the YMCA in OB.

Sophie-and-Bryce said...

I completely, completely understand!

Yes, we're mommies... but we're also women. Women who need time alone. Time with friends. Women who need silence every now and then.

Doesn't mean we love our babies any less...

Chris laughs because when he starts my car, the radio's never on and there's never a CD playing. I tell him, "Sometimes I just want to hear NOTHING."

I love the quiet times I get, and I appreciate them even moreso now.

We *ALL* need time to recharge ourselves... reset the system...

When I get those few quiet minutes, I enjoy a good, long run at the gym - AWAY FROM HOME... or even a walk through Target or a craft store - AWAY FROM HOME...

It gives me time to think about ME, you know? Not about the boy who's just spilled Icee all over the cart or the girl who won't stop begging me to go look at toys... but ME. I can get a coffee and sip it slooooowly without someone begging for a cookie... or look at jeans without someone complaining about how long it's taking...

Chris gets it, so he doesn't mind watching them - and I'm soooo thankful for that.

Really, to be our best, we can't forget who we are. We're not just a mom, but a wife and a woman who deserves a little "me time" every now and then.

But you send 'em away for too long, and then I start to miss them terribly...

So there's a fine line between gone too long and gone just enough, lol, but we must always find time to reset!

*mwah* Hang in there, hon!