Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Weekly Weigh In

First off let me say this: Sunday the Steelers were in a playoff game to get to the Superbowl. I used that as an excuse to make yummy food for us to eat. It was my cheat day and I was looking forward to it for over a week. I made sure that I was good all the other not eating cake at a birthday party. (I KNOW! But I did it!) On Sunday I ate BBQ nachos (but I bought multi-grain chips and the cheese wasn't that carby or sugary), pizza and pumpkin roll. I won't say how many pieces.

Since I finished Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet, I moved into phase 2 where I could eat fruit and whole grains again. I slowly added some things back into my diet.

Soooooo, after shaving last night (I'm slovish, therefore a hairy beast)I got on the scale this morning and...I weigh 159.4

***Jacey is 155.5***


Anonymous said...

Way to go! I am back sliding and I don't know what else to do. I am doing WW and exercising 4 times a week. I drink so much water I float. UGH! I weighed 140.5 this AM. That is a 2 pound gain. I'm not giving up though!

Sophie-and-Bryce said...

it's rare to get a TRUE "LOL" out of me while reading the internet...

...however, "hairy beast" had me literally laugh out loud.

you rock, girl! i told ya last week, and i'll reiterate it here - you're lookin' fab, and i can TOTALLY tell!

Amber said...

Go Amy Go, Go Amy Go, Go Amy Go!