Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weekly Weigh In

Well, no happy ending this week.

Dan was out of town Friday - Monday and I was living it up! Scrapbooking here on Friday night with lots of yummy food...Saturday and Sunday I watched season 3 of Project Runway on DVD and snacked. (I just love to watch TV in bed and eat while alone...but I decided that I need to start watching TV elsewhere when alone so I don't get tempted.) Last night I had to watch the Biggest Loser in the hearth room instead of the bedroom (dvr-ing two shows in the bedroom so I couldn't watch a third channel) and I exercised comfy bed to lay in and watch.

I did exercise more this week...I knew I had to b/c of the weekend feast.

I think last week when I was bad and exercised and still lost weigh made me a little too confident. I can cheat, but not like I did this week.

I had a feeling that I might not see any weight loss this week so in a last ditch attempt to help the numbers go down I did a major bush-whacker. (remember the slovish genes?!)

I'm still in this...

I weigh...159.4

****Last week Angie was 140 and this week she is 138.5. Hooray! weigh to go!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hang in there! This is the time that will make or break a lifestyle change. You are doing good with your cardio this week.